What we do
The excellence of the GRUPO CEDRO customized solutions in accordance with
the needs and peculiarities of each customer, structural formalities the commercial,
fiscal and logistical:
• Import and Export;
• Global Sourcing;
• Logistics aduanera and fiscal;
• Appearances tributarios and financial;
• Analysis and evaluations of companies;
• Register of marks;
• Auditorias - Frauds;
• Orientation impositiva;
• Logistical Centre.
• Administrative works;
• Operational works;
A modern infraestrutura of armazenagem and distribution, confer agilidade, security and guarantees the best operational results. We bet in the innovation and in the technology to be increasingly near of the customer, in Paraguay or in the outside. So that his businesses can ultrapasar challenges and borders, operate in the most different Ports and Terminals. We offer Consultancy to speed up the opening of Subsidiaries, contributing knowledge to optimise processes and services. The investments in the expansion of our infraestrutura were done for better attend our customers in Pedro Juan Caballero, Asunción and in all Paraguay.
The strategic location of the Company in Paraguay, has the efficiency of one of the greater Countries of Sudamérica with a puntaje above 62.3, In the Ranking World-wide of Economic Freedom, what expands the operational possibilities of import for the most diverse types of products. A wide infraestrutura retro port is authorised to act with all the diets aduaneros of import, with agilidade and qualification.
Be recognised like the best experience in international trade.
Gestión of international trade approximating companies, adding control, comprometimento and efficiency.
• Ethical;
• Transparency;
• Commitment;
• Sustentabilidad;
We recognise that the base for the success of a corporation are the people and in them establish our beliefs, values and business vision.The climate organizacional positive and transparent, alicerçado to the excellence of processes and services, reflects our commitment with the sustentabilidad and the economic and social development.
Operational excellence
The GROUP CEDAR presents like a logistical mate that achieves to add to all his global experience a series of strategic and a wide knowledge to keep the high pattern of quality of the services. Present in several markets, the GRUPO CEDRO acts strategically of form planned, affirming his commitment with the exert operational, available to help in all the formalities. The strategic associations contribute significantly to expand all the processes.
Politics of the quality
Import of products in general, with the purpose to attend the needs of the customers, incentivando the professional growth of the collaborators, establishing relations of association with our customers and providers, perfecting the processes through mejorías continuous in the system". We offer a complete study for the nacionalizaçãor of the products, commercial and fiscal risks.
Consutancy and consulting for the import:
• Operational control of the process of nacionalizaçãor;
• Skill in the operational and financial gestión of the import;
• Consulting tributaria for reduction of costs;
• Logistical planning;