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The excellence of the Group Cedar solve structural, commercial, fiscal and logistical, respecting the characteristics of each customer.



Operational services

• Analysis of the documents instrutivos of the international trade, like commercial bills, letters of credit, knowledges of transport, certified of origin, And all the others inherent documents to the process of import/export in accordance with the peculiarities of each product/customer;
•   Adoption of the necessary providences to the broadcast beside the public organs and other intervenientes, of documents of ship of export;
•   Logistical Gestión, with contracting of fretes international and national, recolección of commodities, coordination of ship beside agents of other countries;
•    Transfer of loads by means of the diet of traffic aduanero;
•    Coordination of research and sending of commodities in all the Paraguayan territory, using carriers of first line, with prices highly competitive;
•    Register of the Statements of Import and respective Export;
•    Accompaniment of the desembaraço aduanero of the commodities in the import and in the export, beside the Customs;
•    Gathering Of the tributes, payment of the port costs and aeroportuárias and carregamento of the commodities.



What we do


The excellence of the GRUPO CEDRO customized solutions in accordance with

the needs and peculiarities of each customer, structural formalities the commercial,

fiscal and logistical:


• Import and Export;

• Global Sourcing;

• Logistics  aduanera and fiscal;

• Appearances tributarios and financial;

• Analysis and evaluations of companies;

• Register of marks;

• Auditorias - Frauds;

• Orientation impositiva;

• Logistical Centre.

• Administrative works;

• Operational works;




Global Sourcing


The GRUPO CEDRO has identified quickly the opportunity that represents the resource to providers of countries like China, India and Oriental Europe from among others (global sourcing).


Internacional representation,


The technological development and the economic operations between the countries in which it refers to the import and export grew of vertiginous form, consolidating the phenomenon of the commercial transactions in addition to the borders.

 The GROUP CEDAR, wrapped in this aldea global, without borders, knows that it is necessary to dare, innovar and look for the external market with the aim to explore his potentialities. Give local and international support to the customers and providers is a practice used by our team in any place of the world.

In research of new markets consumers, the GROUP CEDAR places all his experience to service of new businesses, for knowing that the introduction of foreign products in the market confronts many times the complexity tributaria. Strategically, to give support to the process of representation, have a structure of support in the area of distribution and armazenagem. Like mechanism of attraction of investments, also disponibilizamos powerful competitive differentials in the area of logistics and tributes.


Logistical centre

Accompanying the world-wide tendency, the GRUPO CEDRO terceiriza the activity of armazenagem and distribution, having logistical mates highly skilled and competitive.Like profile of businesses, terceirizamos these activities looking for providers with technology advanced in gestión of stocks, bar code and coletores, accompanying together all the cares adopted to keep the quality in the dispatch and in the container of the products. Also they are aferidos by our team the services of armazenagem, conference, expedition, carregamento and distribution, among others.

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